are among the most important legal documents you can sign during your lifetime.
Your Will means that YOU decide how your assets are divided up after your death instead of the Law of Intestacy deciding for you.
It is important to be aware of the fact that legally a person must have the necessary mental capacity to write their Will - so don’t put off until tomorrow what you are able to do today!
There are 2 different types of Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA) :
1. LPA for Property and Finances
2. LPA for Health and Welfare
A person must have the necessary mental capacity to prepare their Lasting Powers of Attorney – so don’t put off until tomorrow what you are able to do today!
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There may seem little point in sorting out a document of this nature when you are able to do everything yourself. However, in the event that your circumstances changed quickly and you became unable to manage your own affairs, having Registered Lasting Powers of Attorney documents in place is invaluable for you and for your loved ones.
Having this protection means YOU decide who YOU trust to take over managing your financial affairs and YOU decide who can make important health and welfare decisions for you in the event you were unable to make them for yourself.
Probate is the proving of a Will after someone has died.
In the event that someone dies without a Will (Intestate), the estate (belongings, assets, savings etc.) is dealt with under the Law of Intestacy and through applying for Letters of Administration.
Most estates are now required to be dealt with through the Probate Registry.
Samuels Law can provide Executors (appointed in Wills) and Administrators (appointed through Letters of Administration) with a probate and estate administration service tailored to meet their specific requirements, offering reassurance and peace of mind.